Wednesday, October 10

10th October Resolutions

I, Claudia, owner of subsiding cold, declining climbing and running abilities, do hereby pledge to follow through on these resolutions:

  1. Climb more! As in, besides coming for training and giving my fullest, i will also put in at most an hour of climbing every other day.

  2. Do at least two pull-ups (or more if my elbow allows) a day.

  3. Train more! Go to the Bukit Timah nature reserve twice a week: on Tuesday night and on Saturday night, and give those hills a try!

  4. Run on the rest of the days (Thursday, Friday and Sunday). Thursday is day off, so run to my lungs' content.

  5. Repetir et practicar l'espanol, si no, yo estabo in lots of trouble.

I have spoken!

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