The walls. In Krabi. They eat. Draws. Could it have been the sun?! The tiredness? I don't know... What I do know is that when I left for Thailand two weeks ago I left with 14 runners. And when I went yesterday to collect them from the airport from Sandra there were 13 runners. Of course I didn't see that there were 13 when I was at the airport but when I was cleaning the runners in the evening (thank god for that, cause sandra's family was waiting for her at the airport). Now I don't know if you know my problem now. I've tried to rationalize about it. To think clearly, make fun of myself and stuff. Think that maybe I could go with 12 runners to Switzerland. But that would be too little. But I know now. I CANNOT GO ON A TRIP WITH 13 runners. I cannot!!!
So. Here am I. 13 runners in my backpack. I had to come to school because, even though I am leaving tonite, I really must work in order to graduate, move closer to home and get a REAL job, have money to climb, have a house of my own and a dog/cat to boot.
And there is Marian. Stuck in front of the Climb Asia store. Which is CLOSED. Waiting for some guy to come and OPEN. Going to buy me a light, cheap, brightly colored draw (in that order). Thank you my love.
UPDATES: Apparently Climb Asia opens at 5pm on weekdays. So poor Marian had to wait there until somebody arrived and opened the store for him. Anyhow, I got the lucky number 14. It is long, black and light. And ... cheap! See you all in 2 weeks!!
1 comment:
ClimbAsia is open at 5pm on Mondays. The rest of the days are 10am. =)
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