My father, his gf and their kid. The background massif has one of the multipitch routes i LED!
Bicaz Lake, the biggest artificial lake in the country (I think).
Cow doing yoga in the middle of the road.
There be mountains in the background.
The canine population of Lacu Rosu has to thank three wonderful dogs, two of which I've chosen when they were wittle puppies . Pictured is me with one of them (Bush) (I know Sandra will cringe when she will see this). They have grown immensely but I still see them as my little babies to the dismay of people passing the house. Below is Marian with Dark, and me at one of the climbing crags with Dark stealing the show.
And now, the climbing... Not that many days (still have to spend a lot of time with my family - haven't seen them in two years) but the climbs were amazing. I LED multipitch routes!!!! It was a super frightening feeling to be scared shit and still acutely aware that you are responsible for somebody else's life and thus you must get over the stupid fear or else you are never going to get out of there. I guess that sums it up. First up, a 40m 6a+ route with Edelweiss growing on a lot of its ledges! We were a bit early and most of them were still dried up, but still they were very beautiful.
Yours truly was frozen shit because the sun hadn't arrived to our neck of the woods.
Edelweiss, for sure my favorite flower. Here is how they look like when they are in bloom.
Another one (dried up)
The view (that lake is the red lake)
Frozen but happy Marian.
Me with ill fitting helmet.
Now, if this isn't the picture of happiness I don't know what is.
6b+? that I couldn't finish and had to downclimb
Proof of shame:
6a to wipe the shame:
Another multi-pitch route ... Involving two chimneys and a small roof
And this spectacular edge (have to go on top of it with super rope drag - I kept thinking: omg omg omg please don't have marian tight now :)) )
A happy Marian:
And finally on top:
The rest of the pics can be found here.
Hey, you have no pictures when you led the first multi-pitch route?
nope :(
There's nothing shameful about your boyfriend hugging your ass. I bet Marian liked it when you downclimbed. Hoho. And it's great to see you and Marian go climbing together!
@jensen: I hope he did too :)) hahaha! @dor: resting, resting ... Bush is so cute dun you think? And Dark, the german shepherd is super smart!!!
claud! omg! the dog is lk fumongous! haha. ya. u better not climb. if i know u step into the gym on monday, i will cab down n personally kick u out of the gym. haha.. the place looks really nice to climb!
i know the dogs are really huge. but since when does San say sth like 'fumongous'?! haha..
:)) well i guess people change :) soon we'll be seeing san eat chocolate or something :))
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