Yes, I was using a bus stop, A BUS STOP! as a mirror because we didn't have any mirror in our room. I was using Marian as a critic as well, but his answers were guided by self-preservation and as such could not be relied upon.
It all went downhill this saturday when I flipped because I had asked marian how I looked, he said, "You look amazing!" (see? biased!) and I reached the bus stop (about 200m away) and saw that the only amazing thing about how I looked was how amazingly delusional I was to think that those type of pants could actually make me look normal instead of the big fat whale that they made me look like.
And so something snapped in me and I told Marian that if he doesn't go and buy a mirror ASAP I WILL LEAVE HIM. And I started remembering all the times I had told him to please go buy me a mirror puhlease, pwetty puhlease, etc etc. And so he relented just to put an end to the reminiscence.
And now, lo and behold:
The pants were looking fine. YOU are delusional :P
AHA! The anon commenter has come out of the shadows!! Self preservation, huh?
heh finally!! a mirror! :)
and i bet anon is marian!
Well, I DID see him write the comment hahaha :)) So much for self preservation :))
Vampire chicks cannot see themselves in teh mirrors..
imagine the drama! :D
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