Clumsy, fat, willing to use absolutely everything i had (i.e. trunk) to help my poor fingers deal with my weight, lack of flexibility, and lack of balance. Most importantly, being an elephant was directly linked with my lack of flexibility.
And then came last thursday. Because of a horrible route on the flat wall on which I could not start for the life of me, I realized that not only I am not flexible, but my arm span is really reduced compared to my height. Basically, my arms are too small and I am too unflexible to climb some routes. Add to that my very strong quads and my apparently unbounded roaring capabilities, and this makes me, yes you got it, a T-REX!
maybe you can mould your butt to become a tail. complete the look.
Eu am 100 de mâni stângi, deci nu știu ce e mai bine :))
Anyways, this post is adorable! :D
well jensen, i would rather have my butt big and round than soggy and elongated, don't you think?
ionuca, poti sa fii un miriapod cu par portocaliu si ochelari cu rame verzi, how cool is that?
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