And then four of us left (san, me, zx, keok) but many many more came. Hell, I still remember when Regina could not do a pull-up (and did not want to try), Ely was heavier and harder to help during campusing ... but I digress...
What I wanted to say is that the team is ginoromous and it needs the gym. Full stop and that is that. And as such, the rest of us can only climb on Monday/Tuesday before 8 pm, and on Friday. This is really a bummer because if we end work at six, by the time we get to the gym is 6:30 (AT LEAST - san has to travel 1 hr or so), so we only have around 1.5 hours of climbing time. That being said, we tried it last night to see how it would be.
We arrived at 6:30 sharp and started climbing right away, but had to stop because the girls needed to warm up for their training. Five minutes later we could resume again. I must say we really climbed intensely: one warm-up route and after that it was full-on with hard routes (for us ahem), no excuses, no resting, TRY TRY TRY TRY quickly! I can still remember the routes, which is something that has not happened to me in a while. It worked pretty well and by the time the girls came to claim their gym we went upstairs to do some strength training. The two sets we did were horribly hard, as we had been climbing a bit harder and our skin was rebelling. Or we are weak and haven't been doing this in a while. We came down again and the girls were shacked thanks to Jensen's training ( you know when the training was good when the gym is quiet, despite there being 15 or so girls in there). Thus we could do two or three more tries, but by this time I was out of juice and so was san and we had a work day coming up so we left.
That being said, it was nice and intense but I don't think our Mondays will be as cool if there are suddenly 10-15 of us that want to try the routes quickly, without stop, because we only have 1.5 hours to climb. There were some random team people as well in the gym. They were climbing on one wall and really not disturbing us, but I do think that if there are more dinos the team people will get lynched for hogging the walls :)
Also, I want to do endurance on Fridays during lunch or so. First, set up the endurance route, and then climb it ... am taking this opportunity to ask any of the girls reading this (and willing to climb on fri during the day) to tell me what time!
-raises hand meekly- Me for Friday...
wat time bird?
anw, this particular friday u will not do anything, just keep me companeee
i'm back to heavy as can be! poor daffy! time to lose weight lose weight bleargh
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