First, the hairdo for the civil ceremony:
With my mother before the ceremony:
My grandmother and most of the family from her part came: my grandmother, her two sisters that totally made the show (see more below) They travelled all the way from Bacau to Caracal (500+ km?) in a bus, all SIXTEEN of them, together with my 85-year old grandfather and my 80-year old grandmother. This truly made my day.
They truly made the show, singing, dancing, showing my two Asian maids of honor the various drinks and dance steps... I was really proud of them!
And then we signed - muhahahahah Marian does not know that hell is just beginning!
After that, went to the hairdresser, changed the hairdo, got into the dress with the help of Dor and San:
Looking demure:
With the only two pre-Marian friends that came for the wedding: my highschool friend and my university friend. HOT, HOT, HOT!
At the veiling of the bride, my relatives composed and sang an entire song that included our meeting in singapore, bringing the asian girls for the wedding, and inviting them for the christening of our first child. I CRIED!!! Like tears!!! This is the only time when i cried.
In the church:
Wearing the crown:
Dor holding the candle: and she did not set the church on fire!!
Being welcomed by Marian's mom:
And my dog Bingo (notice the bowtie):
Dancing the whole night (from 9pm until 5 am I KID YOU NOT!)
The unveiling of the bride and wearing a womanly scarf:
And in the end, despite my deep hatred for weddings (and truly loathing being in the limelight), I really enjoyed my family being there, Bingo still being young enough (he's 14!) to enjoy, and San and Dor traveling all the way from Singapore to be there for me. WOO HOO!
Claudia, ai fost su-pe-r-ba, vai ce frumos, asteptam mai multe poze!
Casa de piatra si tot ce va doriri, mi-a dat lacrimie!
Ce poze drăguțe! Îmi place foarte mult cum îți stătea cu părul un pic ondulat :)
M-am tot uitat după papucii de Dorothy dar nu i-am văzut :(
@suzi: sarumana, nu arat chiar ca Hulk's sister cum credeam :)) Pozele mai pro o sa apara in curand, tre sa fotoshopeze sarcu la greu (cred) cosurile si ridurile haha
@ionuca: am poze cu pantofii, le pun curand!
Casă de piatră! :-)
n-am apucat să zic fincă mă uitasem de la munci, daaar
casă de piatră şi să ştii că şi eu am lăcrămat!!!
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