In the past eight (EIGHT) oh my god has it been that long?! - days, I have done the following:
- took a plane to Adelaide
- got greeted by the C-C-C-COLD! It's freezing sadly, and it's only 12-14 degrees here. I guess one of the reasons for this horrible C-C-C-COLD is that I have chosen to fill my airplane bag with rope, quickdraws, running shoes, training clothes (climbing pants, running SHORTS ha!) etc. And .... summer clothes. This is because when i looked online, the weather said 20 degrees in Adelaide (must've been a hot day fucking hell)
- met up with Claudia and Bogdan, our Nepal trekking friends, who flew from Goldcoast to help me for a while with settling down.
- went to the climbing gym - the situation is kinda pathetic as the bouldering wall there is flat, but maybe there are more gyms around?! [gotta research this out]
- got myself an australian phone number
- ATE GOOD FOOD (but I am craving my tom yam like madd) - the western food here is quite delicious and not pricy at all (for australian standards, mind you)
- bought a CAR. This is the most significant purchase I have made (other than the 200 den stockings - the stockings I wore for my wedding were 15 den haha) in a while. Also, the most expensive yet. The car is a toyota echo and her name is Snow White. (guess why, pictures are coming up)
- found my office! It has a window!! (pictures coming up)
- got my application rejected! Here you have to apply for a rental property. If the owner/landlord/agent likes you, then you get it. If not, too bad. Good thing i have a car, worse comes to worst, I can sleep in the car!
- it was only after Bogdan and Claudia left, that i have truly started to feel alone and lonely (cue violins). I have trouble sleeping and eating - but this might be because I'm stressed about not finding a house as well - keep your fingers crossed!
Ok, this is it for the updates, will be resuming our normal flow this weekend!
Cheer up and all the best! The window view looks nice (I a like blue sunny sky).
Haha thanks!!
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