Wednesday, March 19

Another year has passed

And I'm back at Boulderactive 2008 to sleep (if i get the chance) over at Plaza Singapura, guarding the walls, setting some routes, climbing, watching movies and being silly. I hope that I will get a chance to sleep, considering that tomorrow I'm meeting my boss at 9 am. 9 AM. I hope I can steel somebody's computer and put up the post about Aconcagua.

In other news, writer Arthur C. Clarke has died. Oh noes!! Another great writer is gone, after Vonnegut last year.

In other news, Marius has decided NOT to go to Everest this year. I agree with him, it's just too troublesome and plus, so many signs have been there that he shouldn't go. What this means for me, is totally a different story, for another post :)

PS Later edit: just realized that this post sounds more like a "TODO" list for posts rather than a real real post. Bah. Must be the rain i guess. It's raining again today, rihgt after I was happily proclaiming that spring is here. I hope we will not get drenched this weekend!!

PS2 I have always been fully against reading my own work. Even in highschool, I would not correct the papers that I handed in, not for maths or literature. Now of course I should've thought about that when I entered grad school!! This is like the umptieth time that I am reading MY paper and I just can't take it anymore!!


Anonymous said...

Si aici vremea e destul de crappy :( De vreo 2 saptamani e o zi frumoasa cu soare si tot tacamul, o zi cu nori si vant, o zi frumoasa, o zi cu nori.. . Bleah!

claudia said...

da, aici ploua torential de 2 luni insa :((