Now, of course Boulderactive 2008 is coming, we all know that. We also know that last year I fell and sprained my ankle one week or so b4 Boulderactive 2007. What do you think I went ahead and did yesterday? Huh?! I give you three guesses :)) Yup.
I was trying out this route, see, and then I had to do a very high and very crammed high step, see, and I fell, see, and of course that because I didn't actually expect to fall, so I didn't have time to assume the position, see. And lo and behold, I sprained it. Same place of course. It's not such a bad sprain, it is better than the last time, but I still have to wear an ankle guard, and I CAN'T RUN!!! I tried to run last night and this morning, but couldn't :(( Oh noes.
Went vertical climbing today at the grand opening of Climb Asia. The vertical routes were damn nice. They also had bbq but I left before that because I was totally and utterly sapped. My endurance has sky rocketed to the ground man! My fingers hurt, my biceps hurt, my ankle hurts, but more importantly, MY PRIDE HURTS.
Stay tuned, the next Aconcagua installment coming soon.
:( This sucks! Get well soon!
CLAUDIA! I'm going to be in the crowds during boulder! You better rest that ankle well!
NITZ!! i will be the official whistle blower!! Come say hello, k?
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