Friday, August 10

I know ...

I've been bad and promised the Alps story but I have barely managed to shake off the bloody jet lag, so please please please forgives me. I have uploaded the pictures here (in case you're bursting with curiosity). You can deduce from the pictures that we've climbed Mont Blanc and Dufourspitze and that I was badly burned (see portrait). Circumstances of aforementioned burn and climbs will be related in detail tomorrow. Over and out.

PS. In this picture I am not crying but laughing at my reflection in the lens.
PS2. Getting sun/snow burned is definitely one of the most effective peeling therapies: my zits were gone! (they're back now, though ...)


Anonymous said...

Vai Claudia in ce hal te-a pirlit, tre sa spun ca eu gasesc poza asta foarte hazlie, dar tie s-ar putea sa nu ti se para, eu ma uit de 10 minute la ea si tot zimbesc, e foarte dulcica, si tu arsa rau:)

Abia astept sa vad pozele, bine-ai revenit ca sa zic asa!:)

claudia said...

pai si mie mi se pare haioasa, da' mama saraca a inceput sa planga cand a vazut-o ... and I quote "vai mama..."

nita said...

your photos are AMAZING.
i'm just amazed. and in awe. and jealous!

vio said...

sa nu ma-njuri, da da-te cu o crema ceva, ca la noi in tv tot povestesc de cancer de piele de la arsuri...
asta s-a vrut un sfat.
oricum n-am idee cite femei in lume fac ceea ce ai facut tu;)
oare trebuia sa zic oameni? ramin totusi la femei, ca eu pe barbati ii vad in continuare mai fortosi:)

tine-o tot asa! (cu protectie solara:P)

claudia said...

m-am dat! m-am dat! [dupa e-adevarat], da' am uitat, ce sa-i faci :)