Monday, August 4

In which I miss the plane

Yup. I kid you not. If you had any, and I mean, ANY doubts that I might be light-headed, eerie and downright stupid, well ... Here is the answer to your doubts. My plane ticket said that I was leaving for Zurich on Monday, 14 July, at 01:05. I will say it again: Monday, 14 July, at 01:05. Check out the date of the entry entitled 13 just below this one. Yup. I was happily blogging away when my plane was already out of Singapore. Why?! Because I AM STPID. YES. S.T.U.P.E.E.D .
No wonder I couldn't do the online check-in on Monday since my bloody plane had already left!!!!! I had told Vlad I was meeting him on Tuesday, 15 July in Zurich, so at least he didn't wait in vain for me. This is what actually caused the miss-hap.

There is no excuse for this. And no comment either. Damn I'm stupid.

Luckily* I was flying Singapore Airlines, a local airline. This ensured that a) they did have somebody to answer Marian's call about my missed plane at 8pm (I was busy howling in the bathroom and nearly banging my head on the doors) b) they had an open office in the airport at 22:00 on Monday night. Luckily* they had an empty seat in the next plane. I payed a no-show fee and they put me on a waiting list for a seat with no extra charge on the plane 2 weeks from then (my ticket had gotten canceled by the no-show). Luckily* somebody bailed out.

* This luck is entirely Marian's: had it been just for me, the whole thing would have cost me 500 SGD (250E) more. But Marian is just plain lucky, and some of his luck washes over me too!

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