Monday, August 18

Prizes, I like ...

Yesterday morning I ran the RUN NUS 2008 race! It's a 10km, very very uphill route (maybe 50% of it was uphill?) and we started off at 09:30. It was damn hot, people!! Which left yours truly huffing and puffing and waiting for those water points which never came. Oh, they came all right, but not at 2km intervals as advertised. Anyhow, ended up with a pathetic 1hr:06minutes for my run. And third place, woohooo! In ladies NUS category, mind you, me and about 82 other runners. 100$ Reebok voucher and some other stuff that I'll talk about in a sec.

First of all, I didn't expect to be staying around for long after the race so I just walked to the starting point, planning to walk back. No phone, no umbrella, no nothing. It wasn't raining when we ran, it was damn hot, but after 2hrs of waiting for the prize ceremony (2 HOURS) it started raining. So I had to walk home through the rain, seeing how I didn't have any means (smoke signals could not have worked either) to let marian know that I was drowning.

The other half of the prize is made up of Kotex products. Yup. I mean bloody hell (no pun intended), this is ridiculous, I can supply every girl I know in Singapore for 2 months with tampons!! I have tampons for night use, day use, lunch use, shopping use and what not. Then they put all the stuff in one big, pink paper bag. Which started to tear when it was faced with the rain through which I was walking home. Imagine me, walking home and hugging the damn bag to me to prevent the tampons from falling down on the street. Brr...

In other race related topics, dried apricots are a GREAT food to have before the race. They are not very sweet to make you puke and they have a very low glycemic index - which means that they will give you energy for a long time. It's just that ... if you have them on an empty stomach, after the race you'd better be VERY close to a toilet. Enuf said.


Anonymous said...

So, 1 good and 3 or more bads :))

But at least you got a prize! ^_^ Congrats!!!

Ps. reading your blog makes me feel fit and healthy, not lazy and unable even to run 10m :))

claudia said...

dun be hard on urself, 10km is a very very long distance ;)