Tuesday, May 20

Long long days

Yep. Things have not been wonderful Chez Claudia these past few days. First, there was Friday. Mmmm ... Friday was good. Up until the point we decided to play tennis. And I started to play with Maria first, who's just learning tennis (not that I'm better, but still). Then I played with Marian, whose mind wasn't in the game for some reason or other. Which got me really pissed, because my mind WAS in the game, and I wanted to play. So. I set up this rule. For every point that he loses or whenever his mind wasn't in the game, he would do 5 push-ups. The same for me. So in the end, the score was 85-65 push-ups. 85 for me, 65 for him (needless to say that after I put up this rule, his mind was instantly in the game :)) ) So I ended up having to do 85 push-ups. Actually, Maria did 9 for me, so I only did 76 in series of 10. Only my ass. The next day, I could barely take a cup of tea to my face. Sunday morning, I could barely use the air con remote control. To top it up, I just realized last night that I lost my ipod Friday night when we went to the pull-up/push-up bars. Yup. My nice, red, ipod. With my nike-plus sensor. And with my nice engraving "Stop being a dreamer, Start being a doer" (which you can see I made it up myself). Sheesh, life sux.

Saturday, to my shame, instead of going to Rockmaster (very very close to my home) to cheer for the novice and intermediate climbers, I went shopping! the whole day!! There's no excuse for me, but I did it because I am officially NOT climbing (until tomorrow) so I didn't want to see anybody climb. Shopping was good though. Long time (maybe three months) since I've done it.

Sunday, well ... played tennis for two hours from nine to eleven in THE FUCKING MORNING. Then dozed by the pool. Then dozed some more in MacRitchie reservoir car-park, where I waited for ONE hour for the guys to show up for our trek. No, I was not early. Not by much (10 mins). It will be fun to watch them do push-ups though. Cause you see, I was so traumatized by my push-up experience that now I am making them do one push-up for every minute they are late after their 10 minutes late allowance. Cool. Life is good when you get to torment people. The trek was the only good part about my weekend I guess. It was marvelous. We went jungle bashing for about 20 minutes- not really a jungle, it was more like a normal forest from back home, but still it was great to be a bit secluded and in the wild (this is rare in Singapore).

Monday. Public holiday. Had it in my mind to go to work. Canceled the meeting with Cherlyn - i was supposed to belay people on the route we set on Wednesday. Then, instead of going to work, I slept the whole day. Yup. The whole day. From twelve to six pm. We played some tennis in the evening and that was that. A lot of tennis, a lot of sleep for me these days. I miss my red ipod.


Anonymous said...

And A LOT of push-ups! You iz crazy, girl! :)

Sorry for your iPod :( It sucks losing precious thingies. Big hug!

claudia said...

yeah, i can't believe how much loosing the bloody thing has depressed me :((