Friday, May 23

A lot of sports these days

Yup. Summing it up:

  • Monday - Sleep sleep sleep. Tennis in the evening (1hr).

  • Tuesday - Run about 10-11 km (don't know for sure, my iPod is iLost).

  • Wednesday - Climb for 2 hrs (bad idea, finger pain again). Run about 10-11 km. Good thing Shumei wanted to run (as in she did not give in when I said "run now or don't run at all" when we were trying this very nice route), cause otherwise I would not have dun it. All i regret is that I definitely ran too slow.

  • Thursday - Trek in MountHill Faber for 1 hr and a half. Did the hill three times. Ran two times on the final slope. Played tennis for twenty minutes. Maria is definitely improving, yay!

  • Today - Play badminton for one hour.

  • Tomorrow - Compete in Rockmaster. My aim is a) not to finish last (second last is good). b) be able to start. I have just realized that this Rockmaster will only be my fourth competishun. Evar! Woohooo! Scared.

  • Sunday - Tennis two hours in the morning (if it doesn't rain). Then trek between MacRitchie and Bukit Timah parks. These are two adjoining parks but not very close, mind you. The trek should last about three hours. As you can see, I've already made plans for Sunday, so this will be the reason why I will not qualify for the Rockmaster finals. Rrrright.


nita said...

Hill faber's left me with aching calves!! :D :D
And here's a link to david archuleta's imagine!
And this is the first time he sang it on idol, earlier in the competition which I feel is better :)

claudia said...

Nita, you are the greatest fan :) Thanks for the links, he has a great voice and can really really sing (which is rare these days). But for Imagine, well ... I don't know of other good interpretations, but John Lennon's is the one for me! Here's the link: