Monday, January 3

A happy announcement

So, to keep it up with the great announcements of the day before, I have one announcement to make that clearly wins over the one that we climbed Mt. Kinabalu.

I am coloring my hair pink!!!!

Wait, no, I am not. I be too old for that. But!

Marian and I are getting married! Yup. It's been around for a while, but we have just bought the tickets to Europe and so, providing any unforeseen circumstances such as death or hot mistresses, the two of us will be getting married on the 14th of May, 2011, at the Sf. Apostoli church, in Caracal*.

*Those of you that know me and read this blog, if you can make it to Romania, COME!! I mean, how often can you see me in a dress? And willingly in a church?

** I wanted to tag this post with "lime ju", which is what I normally use when i am happy-chappy. However, I realized that this deserves more than just a "lime ju" so, wishful thinking ahead, I replaced it with the hottest, most spiciest, lovely thing that I know I will never ever get tired of. I find good ones, I find bad ones, I find horrible ones, but I never ever give up on it. Yup, you got it, the tom yam soup!


RME said...

Congratulations to both of you! Great 2011 news. :-) Casă de piatră!

PS: I bursts into laugh when I read the part about Caracal. At first I believe it must be some exotic place in some remote part of the Earth. :P

claudia said...

hahahahahaha ME TOO!!!!!

puck said...

wow! ce draguut! casa de piatra!! dragostea vietii mele a fost din Caracal ;))

Marian said...

Caracal is exotic (:P), and, looking from Singapore, is remote!!!

ionuca said...

Woooow! This is awesome news (but yes, I was kinda expecting this) :) I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!

dor said...

:)))))))))))) manymanydoublechins!

RME said...

Marian: good observation. And the remote property holds from other parts too (US West coast for example). :-)

Small typo: s/bursts/burst/. I'm struggling to cut down the ICHC consumption.

claudia said...

zomg i also consume ICHC!!!