Wednesday, March 2

A near miss

Tomorrow I am flying off to Sydney to find a wedding dress (more about this in another post entitled "Why i love my family"). So of course I made an appointment with everybody such that we can either a) climb or b) have dinner, seeing how i was fucking convinced i fly off at 23:55. I even almost bullied Sandra into bringing her shoes to climb seeing how i will not climb (in singapore) and neither will she (ahem) for the whole of next week.

Of course today, giving it another check just for the sake of it, I found out i am flying off at 19:55. A very near miss. Quite a big fucking scare as, after my previous miss, I never ever want to miss another inter-continental (notice the implications that missing continental flights is ok) flight because of my own scatter-brain (notice the implication that it can be marian's fault for example) for as long as I live.


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