Wednesday, June 29

Information my mother must not get

[and now I realize .. a good blackmail information for some of you out there]

1. That there is a romanian orthodox church in Adelaide - I will tell her this when she comes visit, but I will probably feign that I have just found out this information.

2. That there is a romanian association in Adelaide. I have registered, but only such that I know what are the places, restaurants, shows, etc., frequented by romanians (and here i am grossly generalizing) such that I totally avoid them.

What is the internet council's views on this? If you're an expat, do you actively avoid meeting your fellow countrymen?


dorlin said...

what's your mum's name again? Veronica Lichi right? she has a facebook account too right? coughcough.

but how many romanians have u bumped into so far?

claudia said...

Other than those two on the plane, none, thank god!

Suzi said...

Eu nu ii evit, dar nici nu ma duc la biserica, ambasada, nu sint inscrisa pe forumuri si comunitati.

Si eu am avut o problema cu maica-mea care nu intelegea de ce nu vreau sa vorbesc cu oamenii, avea impresia ca asa mi-ar mai trece dorul de-acasa!
E drept ca noi sintem aici veniti intr-un grup cu care ne petrecem diverse uichenduri aniversari sarbatori gratare, dar pot supravietui si fara romani pe o raza de o mie de chilometri.

Daca esti in dileme, părerea mea e sa incerci intr-o zi in care ai chef de socializare, vezi ce marfa e si stabilesti dupa ce iti faci o parere.