Thursday, April 11

A date with a lion

I'm starting to believe that last year's depression (which got me Suzie yeah!) may not have been caused by the fact that a course I really liked was ditched, but may have just been a yearly thing. Or maybe this year's near depression is caused by friends nearly losing the battle or by just being overworked. Or maybe I just need to find a good excuse for a holiday. Meh. Who knows. Anyway, the question on our minds right now is:

  • Lion King and limestone? (i.e., climbing in Tonsai, Thailand) This time, I will send this even if I have to have surgery to GET MOAR BALLZ. First clip is to the right of the lion's jaw, I think.  No, I zoomed in and it's much closer to earth, whew. Still. Need MOAR BALLZ.

  • Or Mee Sua and sandstone? (i.e., climbing in Taiwan)

Will decide by the end of the week I guess. Marian, D., ARE YOU IN? (around July 19th). Also, must train endurance. Meh.

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