Thursday, November 13


The Ego is a mental entity, a crude and ruthless ghost masquerading as our "self". It is a mental construct, produced by socialization, which rewards and punishes us with feelings of self-worth. The Ego lives by comparison. It identifies with events in our past and then compares our history to the histories of others. This comparison leaves us feeling better or worse than, but not equal to, others.

1 comment:

Gri said...

I hate/love my ego! :-s

uite ce zice nenea:
de Harris Wallmen
M-am intrebat multa vreme ce ii impinge pe alpinisti catre cele mai inalte varfuri ale muntilor, ce simte un schior ce coboara cu 100 km la ora pe partie sau ce ii indeamna pe oameni sa creeze. Pentru mine e aceeasi intrebare. De ce? Pentru ca acum am certitudinea ca in astfel de momente omul uita de ego, uita de paienjenisul falsei personalitati construite ani de-a randul de parinti, de scoala, de societate, si devine liber. Iar acest fapt il conecteaza la divinitate.